At Longthorpe we believe that PSHCE teaching forms part of the whole curriculum and we aim to incorporate it within many other subjects. We recognise that in our local context, elements of the Department for Education’s statutory guidance and recommendations from the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service Primary Personal Development Programme are vital for our children, in order to give them a successful start in their subject learning and in the acquisition of pertinent cultural capital. The aims of the school are to ensure that pupils develop and maintain skills and attributes such as: resilience, self-regulation and adaptability; self-esteem and a healthy concept of self; the ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships; risk management; team-working and critical thinking; self-organisation; the ability to identify links between values and beliefs, decisions and actions; empathy and compassion. We provide high quality PSHCE teaching which will equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions throughout their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about drug education, financial education, relationship and sex education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. Children attending Longthorpe Primary School come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring a variety of cultural, faith, economic and community differences which need to be taken into account as part of their learning and enable them to gain an understanding of the world around them. For Longthorpe children, this includes the importance of equality, positive religion and belief relationships, different faith perspectives, families and the various forms in which they exist, positive, healthy friendships and respectful relationships of all kinds, personal safety, physical health and mental wellbeing and building an aspirational self-image. At Longthorpe, we believe that this will involve learning about each concept in an age-appropriate manner and developing this knowledge so that during their progression through school, children know more, remember more and can make decisions more skillfully. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about each of the key concepts set out below should help them to deepen their understanding in each area and build their confidence in forming and managing their views and skills.
At Longthorpe, we offer a rich, varied, imaginative and progressive PSHCE curriculum to all students, irrespective of their attainment or abilities. This will ensure that they are equipped with skills to be prepared for their individual futures. In order to do this, teachers use and follow the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service Primary Personal Development Programme as well as relevant resources shared by the PSHCE lead during focus weeks, ensuring there is a suitable coverage and focus on the key knowledge and key skills. PSHCE is taught throughout the year as a combination of discrete lessons, as assemblies and by being woven into other curriculum subjects and ongoing daily discussion. Teachers will ensure that children are provided with opportunities to experiment with their views, consider those of others and engage in enriching experiences by taking part in class, year group, phase, whole school and community events and activities such as fundraising projects. During discrete lessons, children spend time recapping what they have already learnt using rolling class evidence books and individual knowledge organisers. Teachers will ensure that within their teaching, key vocabulary is taught and displayed and children have opportunities to master and apply this within their learning. Teachers ensure that lessons clearly plan for progression to ensure a deepening understanding with which children know more, remember more and can make decisions more skilfully. Recording learning in whole-class floor books provides an opportunity to celebrate children's PSHCE work, to provide a resource which will support them to talk about their learning and a tool for reflecting on their knowledge as it grows.
Children’s learning builds from showing an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, discussing differences between falling out and bullying, to an understanding of the commonalities between different types of bullying. They are taught to recognise the characteristics, different forms, who to talk to and how to offer support to others. Children learn how bullying can affect people’s mental wellbeing, reasons for collusion and they learn to identify ways to prevent it and call out bullying behaviour both in school and in the wider world.
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)
Relationships & Sex Education includes learning about emotional, social and physical aspects of life and relationships. It enables pupils to develop essential life skills for building and maintaining positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships. It explores risks, choices, rights, responsibilities and attitudes. It aims to help pupils to develop skills to keep themselves and others safer, physically and emotionally, both on and offline. Children are taught to develop resilience, thinking critically and developing into empathic, global citizens, who are independent thinkers, have a good sense of self-worth and share understanding around real world issues. The content of our Sex Education programme is gradually developed in an age-appropriate way. Children begin by learning that human babies grow inside their mothers alongside learning in Science that adult animals produce offspring like themselves. They move on to learn that every human began when a seed from a male and an egg from a female join. Children are taught about changes during puberty before learning about sexual reproduction and other ways that eggs and sperm are joined in age appropriate detail. They learn about birth in age-appropriate ways, reflecting the experiences of children and families they know.
PSHE Roadmap
Key Documents
Entire PSHCE Curriculum - PDF Version
To find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office.