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Spanish (MFL)


Languages are a defining characteristic of any culture and it is through learning a language that pupils can truly appreciate the wonderful and diverse world around them. Our aim is to encourage our pupils to develop a curiosity, a love and a deeper understanding of languages and other cultures, and to lay firm foundations for further language study in KS3.

We have chosen to teach Spanish as this offers our pupils access to the Spanish speaking world of over 450 million people and its unique customs, history and culture. Spanish is taught using the Castilian pronunciation. We have focused our teaching in year 4 and 5, to ensure that our pupils have a solid grounding in English phonics, grammar & punctuation and vocabulary & sentence structure before embarking on a new language programme. This will well-support them to understand new Spanish language structures and also allows them to make meaningful linguistic links between Spanish and English. It is our intention that through studying Spanish, grammatical concepts and rules in English will also become clearer.  

We have worked closely with our partner school (Jack Hunt High School) in the Peterborough Keys Academies Trust to ensure that our curriculum prepares them well for the demands of their curriculum, with a view to ensuring that our pupils become life-long language learners; reversing the national trend in language learning decline.


Spanish lessons at Longthorpe Primary School are both fun and ambitious for what pupils will learn. They are characterised by a range of activities such as songs, rhymes and chants; games; matching, sorting and labelling tasks; reading and writing tasks, conversational tasks and role play tasks. We have designed our curriculum to cover six key objectives of language education. These objectives are weaved through each unit and are used to guide the key skills and knowledge that pupils will learn. By practising these objectives regularly, pupils will build up and embed their bank of language knowledge and skill throughout the Spanish curriculum. Through these six objectives, Spanish grammar & punctuation, phonics and vocabulary & sentence structure are deliberately repeated throughout the series of units to ensure that what is taught is truly learned.

Key Objectives Corresponding Learning Objectives
Hearing and saying To hear and say
Pronouncing and intonating accurately To pronounce
Spelling and writing To write
Reading To read
Conversing To ask and answer/To converse
Cultural knowledge To know


Spanish (Modern Foreign Language) Roadmap


Key Documents

Roadmap - PDF Version

Entire Spanish Curriculum - PDF Version 

To find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office.